Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chapter 14: Programming and language

you know??
 now we in second last chapter..

in this chapter you can:- 
  1. Meaning programming and know six steps of programming
  2. Design tools: Top-down design,pseucode, flowcharts and logical structure
  3. Find and remove error
  4. CASE tool and object-oriented software development
  5. five generations of programming languages
The first programming languages predate the modern computer.
In the 1930s and 1940s, the formalisms of Alonzo Church's lambda calculus and Alan Turing's Turing machines provided mathematical abstractions for expressing algorithms... the lambda calculus remains influential in language design.
The first high-level programming language to be designed for a computer wasPlankalkül...developed for the German Z3 by Konrad Zuse between 1943 and 1945. However, it was not implemented until 1998 and 2000

you must stay read our blog and get more information that benefit you..
ok see you next time..
